最后更新日期 09/02/2023

新加坡 ,2023年2月9日– 绿联国际银行携手新加坡华乐团举办的“绿动狮城”音乐会于2023年2月8日在新加坡大会堂圆满落幕。


“绿动狮城”音乐会有两份特殊的纪念品发送至每位嘉宾的手机上:一份是音乐会专属纪念款NFT,绿地在2022年4月购入第8302款无聊猿(BAYC#8302),以此作为开启企业数字化转型升级的标志;另一份是一张公益产品碳中和证书,绿联国际银行通过绿地旗下的贵州省绿金低碳交易中心,为所有嘉宾参加本场音乐会产生的二氧化碳排放 “买单”,在ESG(环境、社会、公司治理)理念践行方面充分体现企业的社会责任,并进一步强化公众节能环保和低碳出行的意识,这些都与新加坡长久以来树立的“可持续发展”核心理念高度契合。



Security advisory to protect yourselves and avoid falling victim to scams. 1. Do not provide personal information, bank account information (including User IDs, Passwords and OTPs) to people you have never met. 2. Do not accept any requests from online acquaintances or unknown persons for bank transfers. Practise good cyber hygiene to minimise the risk of cyber threats. 3. Do not click on links or open attachments found in suspicious looking emails or SMSes. Ensure that your email account has not been compromised. 4. Ensure that your bank account is used only for your corporate banking needs and do alert the bank immediately if you find any discrepancy or unauthorised transaction on your bank statements. If you suspect that you have responded to a scam and disclosed your personal or bank account information, please email GLDB at FraudReporting@glbank.com.
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Security advisory to protect yourselves and avoid falling victim to scams.


Do not provide personal information, bank account information (including User IDs, Passwords and OTPs) to people you have never met. 


Do not accept any requests from online acquaintances or unknown persons for bank transfers. Practise good cyber hygiene to minimise the risk of cyber threats. 


Do not click on links or open attachments found in suspicious looking emails or SMSes. Ensure that your email account has not been compromised. 


Ensure that your bank account is used only for your corporate banking needs and do alert the bank immediately if you find any discrepancy or unauthorised transaction on your bank statements. If you suspect that you have responded to a scam and disclosed your personal or bank account information, please email GLDB at FraudReporting@glbank.com.