GLDB is committed to delivering quality financial services, and to better address the needs of currently underserved Micro-Small-Medium-Enterprises (MSMEs).
Leveraging on innovative, easy-to-use, technological solutions, GLDB endeavours to facilitate trading activities within the Singapore-China trade corridor.
SINGAPORE, 3rd June 2022 – Green Link Digital Bank (GLDB) commences banking business. GLDB seeks to serve Micro-Small-Medium-Enterprises (MSMEs) with banking and financial services through their supply chain financing and innovative, easy-to-use technological solutions.
GLDB seeks to leverage their experience in supply chain financing and innovative, easy-to-use technological solutions to provide accessible commercial banking, as well as supply chain offerings for underserved MSMEs.
With this, GLDB seeks to expand their service coverage and create more supply chain financing products to cater to varying business demands, including high growth potential industries in the digital economy.
GLDB will enhance their focus on serving the core needs of MSMEs and technology enterprises, improve on service quality, and pave the way for them to become a leader in wholesale banking.
GLDB adopts the Chinese principle of "勤为善小、行无止境" as our corporate tenet, which translates to the company’s unyielding commitment to every client, no matter its size, as even the smallest deeds can have rippling implications for the wider ecosystem. This is the cornerstone to our corporate value “Be kind. Be diligent. Be persistent.”
GLDB is committed to empowering MSMEs and technology enterprises globally in their growth journeys, so as to become their most trusted bank partner. Leveraging advanced technologies in supply chain finance solutions, GLDB views our success as the ability to provide professional and reliable financial services to customers while actively innovating and striving to improve our customer service capabilities. We aim to be an influential digital financial technology service provider.
For details on the bank’s licence and business please visit: eservices.mas.gov.sg/fid
Do not provide personal information, bank account information (including User IDs, Passwords and OTPs) to people you have never met.
Do not accept any requests from online acquaintances or unknown persons for bank transfers. Practise good cyber hygiene to minimise the risk of cyber threats.
Do not click on links or open attachments found in suspicious looking emails or SMSes. Ensure that your email account has not been compromised.
Ensure that your bank account is used only for your corporate banking needs and do alert the bank immediately if you find any discrepancy or unauthorised transaction on your bank statements. If you suspect that you have responded to a scam and disclosed your personal or bank account information, please email GLDB at FraudReporting@glbank.com.